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The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is proud to announce that industry leader and military veteran John F. Crowley will be its new President and CEO, effective March 4. He will replace Rachel King, a longtime BIO board member and industry trailblazer who has served as BIO’s CEO on an interim basis for the past year.
2024-03-14 20:21
整个事件是这样的,BIO之前的CEO雷切尔·金(Rachel King)在上个月对国会针对药明康德的立法提案提出了异议,希望国会重新考虑。显然,这个时候BIO是支持药明康德的。
结果,上周来了个新的CEO约翰·克劳利(John Crowley),这哥们上任后就改...


03-14 21:59