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$Portola制药(PTLA)$ "they expect a full commercial launch of the Gen2 product (recall that the company has secured almost two years of Gen2 supply) to begin in January,

likely in the latter part of the month as it will probably require a couple of
weeks to complete the packaging and labeling of the products. In addition,
the company expects to add to its current sales force of 78 reps by an
additional 40 reps, who will likely take 6-8 weeks to be fully on-board. As
such, we expect a slower Andexxa uptake in 1Q19, followed by a continued

ramp-up through 2019." by Credit Suisse


2019-01-03 05:12


2019-01-03 05:03


2019-01-03 04:58

packaging and labeling需要几周?你说全部的GEN-2完成packaging and labeling需要几周我信,问题是第一个季度也就卖个几百一千DOSE,需要墨迹几周吗? 40 reps很重要?没有他们就不能工作了?原来78个销售又不是吃干饭的。没这40人,一个季度扩张100家医院也绰绰有余。只是说多40人扩张的更快一点而已。

2019-01-03 04:37
