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$Esperion Therapeutics, Inc.(ESPR)$  连续两天暴跌,这命够苦的……临床死了13个,确实有点吓人了。根据公司发布信息,“Five of the 13 deaths in the bempedoic acid arm of its study were related to cardiovascular disease and another five were caused by cancer. Gastrointestinal problems, including pancreatitis, caused two deaths and one death was because of a neurological problem that may have been a stroke.”-Motley Fool.要是说这些死亡和药物没有关系,统计概率上就过不去……大约是说被雷独立劈了四次,每次被雷劈的角度还不一样[吐血]如果真的是随机事件,那就是CEO该去买彩票了