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突发:印度卢比,即将崩溃?印度货币形成了不祥的泪滴形态,兑美元汇率收于历史最低点。然而,当缩小到过去五年的月度图表时,很明显卢比是所有金砖国家/新兴市场货币中最稳定的。在过去五年中,印度卢比兑美元贬值了约 17%。尽管如此,在过去一年中,它一直保持在这个范围内相对稳定。令吉和埃及镑崩盘只是开胃菜,美联储不收割一两个大国,是不会罢休的…
Breaking: Indian Rupee.India's currency has formed the ominous tear drop pattern, closing at an all-time low against the U.S. Dollar. However, when zooming out to monthly charts of the last five years, it becomes evident that the Rupee is the most stable among all BRICS/EM currencies.
Over the last five years, the INR has depreciated by approximately 17% against the USD. Nonetheless, it has remained relatively consistent within that range over the past year. GlobalMoneyAI's analysis suggests that the Federal Reserve is committed to its efforts until it substantially influences one or two major economies.
$纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC)$ $上证指数(SH000001)$ $创业板指(SZ399006)$