gitagz 的讨论

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2015-05-10 15:20


兄弟,其实买壳股就是价值投资来的,它们的return及risk比蓝筹股要好,sharpe ratio 更优,钱来得更快,投资壳股和巴菲特的投资理念是一致的。巴菲特在年轻时,即50年代那时,就买了很多micro-stocks, 和今天的壳股很相似,只是壳股还带了中国特色而已。以下是巴菲特对micro-stocks的看法:

Warren Buffett made 50% plus returns in micro caps in the 1950s for his own account.

The stocks he invested in were extremely small, and extremely unknown.

A University of Kansas student asked Buffett about this in 2005:

“Question: According to a business week report published in 1999, you were quoted as saying: “It's a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million. No, I know I could. I guarantee that.”…would you say the same thing today?”

Here’s Buffett’s answer:

“Yes, I would still say the same thing today. In fact, we are still earning those types of returns on some of our smaller investments. The best decade was the 1950s; I was earning 50% plus returns with small amounts of capital. I could do the same thing today with smaller amounts. It would perhaps even be easier to make that much money in today's environment because information is easier to access.

Benjamin Graham也曾就你的那个问题作出了解说:

“The chief practical difference between the defensive and the enterprising investor is that the former limits himself to large and leading companies whereas the latter will buy any stock if his judgment and his technique tell him it is sufficiently attractive…The field of secondary stocks (我想他这里指的secondary stocks 就是壳股或仙股)cannot be delimited precisely. It includes perhaps two thousand listed issues and many thousands more of unlisted ones which are not generally recognized as belonging in the category of ‘large and prosperous market leaders’…The intelligent investor can operate successfully in secondary common stocks provided he buys them only on a bargain basis.”

2015-05-10 01:31



2015-05-08 22:01


2015-05-08 21:58



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