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$龙生股份(SZ002625)$ 澳洲股民投资光启马丁背包亏损百万已准备法律控告



Having lost close to a million dollars in just a few months, I will most definitely take legal action, should this company fall into bankruptcy. And this is now a real possibility I think. I have based my post IPO 'investmentment decision' not just on the promises that were printed in their glossy shareholder prospectus, but also in their media releases, dating back a few years earlier. MJP promised over and over that they would come up with a personal jetpack, way before the now once again amended release date of currently 2017. Glenn Martin was then still a major part of the company, but as everyone now nows, he has since departed on rocky terms. I don't think that anyone in the current management team has any idea about marketing and/or how to properly manage a start up company. This is evident on so many levels. The latest comment on their Facebook site is that "they have plans to conduct manned flight demonstrations" and that "they are in discussions with various Civil Aviation Authorities". Wow!!!!! Just fly the thing outside your factory for just a few minutes!!!! Can you hear me????? This would be so embarrassing for me, if I were part of this management team. And yes, I also noticed that they have pulled information off their company website and off their FaceBook website, including anything that could be viewed as potentially controversial, such as their consideration to offer expensive French Champagne from a spring water type dispenser to flight simulator attendees in Paris. Luckily, they have so far not been able to touch this forum. I will now get in contact with the ASX and see what they can do to assist, but I am truly hurting, more than I can express in this forum.

在短短几个月内损失了近一百万美元,我一定会采取法律行动,这家公司将陷入破产。这是一个真实的可能性, 我刚被印刷股东招股说明书的承诺后IPO的投资决策。承诺会出一个个人喷气背包,在现在再次跳票到2017。格伦马丁当时仍然是公司的一部分,但他已经离开。我认为目前的管理团队中没有任何人对营销和/或如何管理一个开始的公司有任何想法。网站上的最新评论是“有计划进行载人飞行演示”,“他们正在与各民航当局进行讨论”。真的!!!!就在你的工厂外面飞几分钟!!!你能听到我吗???????如果我是这个管理团队的一部分,这对我来说是如此的尴尬。是的,我还注意到,他们已经关闭了他们的公司网站和关闭自己的脸谱网站,包括任何可能被视为潜在的争议,如他们的考虑昂贵的法国香槟和饮水机,看看他们能做什么来帮助,但我真的受伤了,比我在这个论坛上表示的更多。