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纳瓦尔·拉维坎特(Naval Ravikant)是一位企业家、投资者和AngelList的联合创始人。他因其在技术投资领域的洞察力和对创业文化的贡献而广受欢迎。他经常通过博客和Twitter分享关于创业、投资和个人成长的思考。


The purpose of wealth is freedom, and life is a solo game. 财富的目的是自由,而生活是一场单人游戏。

You are born alone, you will die alone, and all your explanations and memories are solitary. 你生来就是孤独的,你将独自死去,你所有的解释和记忆都是孤独的。

You have already passed three generations, but before and after your appearance, no one really cares; life is still a solo game. 你已经走了三代了,但在你出现之前和之后,没人真正在乎,生活依然是单人游戏。

Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy freedom. If you want to get rich in a certain, predictable way in life, then you must stay ahead of the curve, learn technology, design, and art, and become truly good at something. 金钱买不来幸福,但它能买来自由。如果你想以一种确定性、可预测的方式在一生中致富,那么就必须走在潮流的最前沿,学习技术、设计和艺术,真正擅长某件事。

Wealth is assets that earn money while you sleep, and money is the means of converting time and wealth, while status is your place in the social hierarchy. 财富是指在你睡觉时仍能为你赚钱的资产,而金钱是我们转换时间和财富的方式,地位是你在社会等级体系中的位置。

Creating wealth and maintaining moral standards can go hand in hand. If you despise wealth in your heart, it will avoid you. 创造财富和坚持道德标准是可以兼得的。如果你内心鄙视财富,财富就会对你避而远之。

One way to acquire wealth is to provide society with something it needs but cannot obtain and scale it up. 获得财富的一个途径就是为社会提供其有需求但无从获得的东西,并实现规模化。

Making money is not necessarily related to how hard you work. To obtain wealth, you must know what to do, with whom to do it, and when to do it. 赚钱与工作的努力程度没有必然联系。要想获得财富,你必须知道做什么、和谁一起做、何时做。

You cannot get rich by selling your time; you need to achieve it by owning assets such as companies, stocks, businesses, or passive income. 你无法靠出卖时间变富,而是需要通过拥有资产(如公司、股票、事业或被动收入)来实现。

Acquiring wealth requires leverage, which can come from labor, capital, code, or media. 获得财富需要杠杆,这可以来自劳动力、资本、代码或媒体。

True wealth is created by building companies or investing, and investing in companies is also buying equity in businesses. 真正的财富是通过创建公司或通过投资创造出来的,投资公司也是买入企业的股权。

True financial freedom is not simply achieved by putting in a lot of time; school cannot teach you the skills to do business. 真正的财务自由并非单纯靠投入大量时间实现的,学校教不会经商这个技能。

To become irreplaceable, you need to continuously enhance your unique value. 为了成为不可替代的,你需要不断提升你的独特价值。


In an era of unlimited leverage, judgment is the most important skill. This ability, although derived from experience, can be quickly established by learning basic skills. 在杠杆无限的时代,判断力是最重要的技能,这种能力虽然源于经验,但可以通过学习基本技能快速建立。

Labor leverage, that is, having others work for you, is an ancient and highly competitive form of leverage. Having labor leverage will make your parents think you are amazing, but do not overly pursue this leverage. 劳动力杠杆,即让别人为你工作,是一种古老且竞争激烈的杠杆。拥有劳动力杠杆会让你的父母觉得你很了不起,但不要过度追逐这种杠杆。

Code and media are permissionless leverages. These two forms of leverage are hidden powers. You can create software and media that work for you while you sleep. 代码和媒体是不需要许可就能使用的杠杆,这两种杠杆是背后的隐藏力量。你可以创建软件和媒体,让它们在你睡觉时为你工作。

To obtain labor, you must have people willing to follow you; to obtain capital, you need someone to fund you. Managing these assets or machinery requires your preparation and investment. 要获得劳动力,必须有人愿意追随你;要获得资本,需要有人为你提供资金。管理这些资产或机械设备都需要你的准备和投入。

Labor and capital leverage, and creating products with zero marginal cost, will ultimately convert wealth into the right to enjoy happiness and freedom. 劳动力、资本的杠杆,并创造无负值成本的产品,最终将财富转换成享有幸福和自由的权利。


All returns in life, whether wealth, relationships, or knowledge, stem from the principle of compound interest. 生活中的所有回报,无论是财富、人际关系还是知识,都源自复利的原理。

You should choose to undertake significant matters because engaging in trivial affairs makes it difficult for life to have meaning. 你应该选择承担重大事项,因为投身于琐碎事务很难让生活有意义。

We compete with others in school, politics, sports, and contests, but the true rewards—wealth, knowledge, health, and inner peace—come from ignoring external evaluations and focusing on self-improvement. 我们在学校、政治、体育和比赛中与他人竞争,但真正的回报—财富、知识、健康和内心的平静—来自于忽视外界评价和专注于自我提升。

If something makes you happy now but may become boring in the future, it might just be a temporary distraction. 如果现在让你开心的事情将来可能变得乏味,那它可能只是一种短暂的干扰。

Your mind should be your tool, not your master. Avoid letting the word 'should' dominate you, as it often implies inner reluctance and pain. 你的思维应该是你的工具,而不是你的主宰。避免让“应该”这个词支配你,因为它往往意味着内心的不情愿和痛苦。

Ultimately, people are the product of their habits and intimate relationships. You should do what you are good at and passionate about, creating unique works. 人最终是自己习惯和亲密关系的产物。你应该做自己擅长和热爱的事,创造独一无二的作品。

Maintaining ethical selfishness helps attract other high-minded individuals. 保持有道德的自私有助于吸引其他品德高尚的人。

The true test of intelligence is whether you can achieve your life goals. 真正的智力考验在于你是否能够实现自己的生活愿望。

The primary rule for dealing with interpersonal conflicts is to avoid frequent interaction with those who often conflict with you. 处理人际冲突的首要规则是避免经常与你产生冲突的人相处。

thinking and practice. 读书的效果因人而异:有些人期望书本给出所有答案,结果常常感到失望或被误导;而其他人则从书中获得启发,通过自己的思考和实践感激书本的指导。

Some people wait to be shaped by others, while others explore on their own and develop iterative thinking. 有些人在等待被他人塑造,而另一些人则自行探索并培养迭代思维。

The essence of teaching lies in the teacher's learning method, not the student's learning method. 教学的本质在于教师的学习方式,而非学生的学习方式。

All returns in life, whether wealth, relationships, or knowledge, stem from the principle of compound interest. 生活中的所有回报,无论是财富、人际关系还是知识,都源自复利的原理。

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