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$博通(AVGO)$ lowered 8% revenue full year guide. Huawei was accounted for 4% of the total revenue last year.$立讯精密(SZ002475)$ 


2019-06-14 16:17

Also keep in mind, something I should add is that even as we see some -- there are two parts to this. One part is what's the impact of the Huawei ban on a company like us selling components and technology?
Well, short-term, keep in mind, we'll see a very sharp impact simply because there are no purchases allowed, and there's no obvious substitution in place from other OEMs replace -- taking over end demand, which may exist, which may continue to exist.
Give it a few months, give it six months, if those end demand still remains out there, mostly other OEMs qualified to take over those, to replace Huawei on those demand and other OEMs will come in, and those OEMs will continue to buy our products. And so we have a rebalancing and readjustment in demand from our side. But short-term, we do not expect to see that.