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回复@有意思鸭: 理解了这个key,就理解customer 为什么要地域性重构其AI团队了。//@有意思鸭:回复@有意思鸭:最重要的是这一段:
Number two; the key -- so you know, the rate is the key component -- key terminology [ph]. The 100G, 200G, the Vexcel [ph], the EML; and I think they are to make all in Houston. This also is very -- I think a key factor for the customer. I think for sure it is -- now, even called the key [indiscernible].
2024-05-10 15:39
$Applied(AAOI)$ 电话会要点:
1. Based on our current forecast, and very constructive customer interaction, we remain very positive on improvements in the second half of the year. Q2时间过半,Q2 guidance基本没有悬念,2H有希望。
2. Total revenue in our CATV segment was ...