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$科兴生物(SVA)$ Two doses of Sinovac provide 97.2 pct protection, says expert


The results of the Phase 3 studies of Sinovac in Türkiye have been announced after the 164-day follow-up, as 267 out of 9,494 volunteers who received two doses of Sinovac were infected, according to a Turkish coordinator of the studies.

“The most important data is that 236 out of 267 people had a very mild disease period, while only 2.5 per 1,000 of those vaccinated had symptoms,” said Murat Akova, a professor from Hacettepe University.

Only seven out of 9,494 volunteers vaccinated with Sinovac were hospitalized, and there was no death or need for intensive care during the follow-up period, according to the study.