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Because the giant tech companies right now are eating up little, tiny businesses, startups-- and competing unfairly. Look at it this way, someone like Amazon runs a platform-- you know the place where you buy your coffee maker and get it delivered in 48 hours and that's great. But in addition to that they're sucking up all that information about every purchase, every sale and every one of the other little businesses that are offering their products on Amazon.
Amazon看见哪一行盈利,他们就说:“Hmm. 我们就进这一行跟他们竞争。”因为他们拥有所有的额外信息啊。他们推出自己的咖啡机来竞争,把自己放首页,把竞争者放在第六页,竞争的企业,就这么不见了。
And when Amazon sees one that's profitable they say, "Hmm. Think we'll go into business against them," now that they've got all this extra information. And they put their own business out there to compete on selling coffee makers, put themselves on page one, put the competitor back on page six and the competitor's business is just gone.
So what I'm saying is we've got to break these guys apart. You want to run a platform? That's fine. You don't get to run a whole bunch of the businesses as well. You want to run a business? That's fine. You don't get to run the platform. Think of it this way, it's like in baseball. You can be the umpire or you can own one of the teams, but you don't get to be the umpire and own the teams.

Ed O'Keefe: 联邦政府是谁啊,凭什么要求这些公司必须这么做?
I-- who- who is the federal government to tell these companies they have to do that?
There's antitrust law, that's been around for more than 100 years. And the federal government has done this many times. For example broke up Standard Oil, broke up the- the great monopolies of the late 19th century and early 20th century. And the reason for that is so that we can keep a competitive economy.
你晓得,我的想法是这样:我喜欢市场。我知道市场才能产生许多产品。但是市场必须有规范,大家起步时,要在平整的土地上…… 只要每个人都在竞争就好。但是当有人太大,就意味着别人都没了竞争的机会,也意味着消费者不再有更多选择,那就有问题了。这就是反托拉斯法的用处。
You know, I think of it this way: I like markets. I think markets produce a lot of good. But markets have to have rules and so when everybody starts out, think of it like a plowed field... That's great as long as everybody's competing. But when one gets so big that it means nobody else gets a chance to compete-- including no consumer gets any more choice, then we got a problem. And that's what antitrust laws are for.

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