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Specified Asset Disposal: The Company undertakes that the consideration with respect to any Specified Asset Disposal will be at least equal to the Fair Market Value of such Specified Asset sold or disposed of and at least 75.0% of such consideration received will consist of cash. The Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to procure that any Specified Asset Proceeds are distributed upstream, on a pro rata basis in proportion to all the relevant Persons’ respective percentage interests in such Specified Asset Proceeds, to the Company or any Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company and further undertakes that:

特定资产处置:公司承诺,任何特定资产处置的对价至少等于所出售或处置的特定资产的公平市价,且所收到的对价中至少 75.0% 为现金。公司应尽商业上的合理努力促使任何特定资产收益按以下比例向上游分配 根据所有相关人员各自在该特定资产收益中的权益百分比,按比例向上游分配 向本公司或本公司的任何全资子公司分配。并进一步承诺

(a) 80% of any Specified Asset Proceeds with respect to the Southland Project received by the Company or any Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company after [settlement date of the consent] will be promptly deposited into a Specified Asset Designated Account;

(b) 50% of any Specified Asset Proceeds with respect to the Indonesia Toll Roads received by the Company or any Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company after [settlement date of the consent] will be promptly deposited into a Toll Road Designated Account; and

(c) 80% of any Specified Asset Proceeds with respect to the Surviving Shanghai Juanqi Equity Interest received by the Company or any Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company after [settlement date of the consent] will be promptly deposited into a Specified Asset Designated Account.

(a) 本公司或本公司任何全資附屬公司於[同意書交收日期]後收到有關晋环項目的任何特定資產所得款項的80%,將立即存入特定資產指定賬戶;

(b) 本公司或本公司任何全资子公司在[同意书交割日]后收到的与印尼收费公路有关的任何特定资产收益的50%将立即存入收费公路指定账户;及

(c) 本公司或本公司任何全资子公司在[同意书交割日]后收到的正存续的上海隽崎置业有限公司(为上海“路劲·悦茂府”住宅及商业开发的项目公司)有关的任何特定资产收益的 80% 将立即存入特定资产指定账户。







06-14 15:58


06-14 21:00

印尼高速公路。每年收入4亿。16亿美元债利息够了。$路劲(01098)$ 佳兆业曾经高票通过配股方案。最后暴雷的非常快。