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看好老大Michael Hunkapiller,自2012年上位。哥们履历完整,Caltech科班博士,干过ventures,创立过ABI ($Life Technologies(LIFE)$)。可谓懂技术、懂资本、懂管理。看好。[看多]

Michael Hunkapiller became President & CEO of Pacific Biosciences in 2012. He is Chairman of PacBio's Board of Directors, and has served on the Board since 2005. Dr. Hunkapiller spent 21 years of his career helping build Applied Biosystems ("ABI," now part of Life Technologies Inc.) into a market leader in the life sciences industry. From 1995 to 2004 he served as ABI's President and General Manager. In 2004 he joined Alloy Ventures as a General Partner, and in 2005 led Alloy's investment in PacBio. Dr. Hunkapiller continues to represent Alloy Ventures as a Director of NuGEN, Verinata Health and RainDance Technologies.

During his term at ABI, Mike developed the R&D strategies and alliances that elevated ABI to be the foremost supplier of molecular-biology reagents and instrumentation in academic and industrial laboratories. He was also a founder of ABI's sister company Celera Genomics and Senior Vice President of Applera Corporation (their parent company).

Prior to joining ABI, Mike was a senior research fellow in the Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology. He received a B.S. in Chemistry from Oklahoma Baptist University and a Ph.D. in Chemical Biology from the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Caltech. He has authored more than 100 scientific publications, is an inventor on more than two dozen patents, and has served on the editorial boards of several scientific journals. He has received several awards for his contributions to life science research.
2014-02-05 21:05
$Pacific Biosciences(PACB)$
instrument revenue同比下降情有可原,Consumable revenue增长强劲 [看多]
Susan K. Barnes - Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President
Thank you, Mike, and good afternoon, everyone. I will begin my remarks today with financial over...