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$Amedica(AMDA)$ After FDA approval pending, maybe AMDA will do the reverse stock split (split at a ratio of one share of newly issued common stock for each 4 or 5 shares of issued and outstanding common stock) due to the Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement.  They must keep share price over $1 until August 18, 2015.


Good news is coming twice before August 18, 2015[想一下]


2015-07-29 21:48

j该公司董秘的说法:Should we not meet the minimum bid requirement with NASDAQ by the mid-August date, they will be sending us another notice, at which time we will be providing them with a plan of action to get the minimum bid price above $1 within another 6 month period.It is important for us to remain listed on NASDAQ and at this time, we do not need to consider a reverse split to maintain our listing between now and mid-February.

2015-07-29 19:49


2015-07-28 23:27


2015-07-28 23:27
