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“The US Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, has said that a hypothetical Chinese invasion of Taiwan and seizure of TSMC would be “absolutely devastating” for the United States.

While refusing to speculate on how the events could potentially unfold, Raimondo told the House Appropriations Committee that “the United States buys 92 percent of its leading edge chips from TSMC in Taiwan,” meaning any disruption to that supply chain would have a significant impact on the US economy.”

-May 10, 2024


作为韭菜,我想说的是,其实那需要控制,只需要让其供应链上的某一环因故暂停相当一段时间,就足以实现雷姐所说的absolutely devastating。届时,可以把俺们村的n+2加价卖他。

