Java programmers recruitment

发布于: 雪球转发:11回复:79喜欢:9

Part1 Java
·         How does get method of HashMap works in Java? (hashcode) 
Two unequal object may return same hashcode.
When two objects are equal by equals(), they must have same hashcode.
·         Use java to process word files, FileInutSteam/FileReader
·         Different ways to crate thread,How to make sure thread-safety (sync method / sync block),What is deadlock?
·         Can you explain about reflection in Java
·         Can you explain about autoboxing and unboxing in Java
·         Spring MVC
·         Advantage of DI(dependency of injection)
·         Transaction handling and how to implement it in spring

Part2 ExtJS
Concept of ExtJS MVC
How to define your own component
What's xtype?
How to query objet (get one particular component)
How to add listener for event
How to debug in browser

Part3 SQL
What is batch processing and how to perform batch processing in JDBC
SQL tuning to improve performance
The usage of index, the ways to take full advantage of index
How do you prevent SQL Injection
List some most frequently used sql function (decode, sum, max)
SQL query to find second max salary of employee

Part4 Algorithms
Fibonacci, binary search




2015-07-21 11:46

呀~ 还是媛媛

2015-07-21 11:46

技术牛人java sql