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     TNI 公司以拥有用于治疗血液、骨髓造血系统癌症及癌症患者免疫力恢复抗癌药物且取得临床前阶段成果的新药(因约定与该药有关商业秘密双方均负有保密义务,经双方约定暂命名为“中珠 1018”;阶段成果包括“中珠 1018”目前所拥有的知识产权、专利技术和许可。)与潜江制药进行临床前研究,潜江制药临床试验前费用预计为人民币 1000 万元。TNI 公司在协议生效后 30 日内,向潜江制药提供该技术现有全部技术资料、文献资料及一定数量的样品,并提供原料来源及设备清单。TNI 公司指导潜江制药进行“中珠 1018”的药学研究及中试试验,预计 8 个月完成,并获得实验单位的实验报告和样品。在上述药学研究及中试试验完成后,潜江制药在 TNI 公司指导下组织完成药效学、毒理学等临床前研究,并取得全部技术资料、文献资料。
    获得临床前研究的资料后,潜江制药在 TNI 公司协助下向国家食品药品监督管理局申请临床试验及临床试验通过后的新药证书和生产批件申请。
    协议约定:TNI 公司有责任在申报临床时,向相关部门所提供的资料能获得相关部门的审核通过,若未获通过取得临床批件将按协议退回支付的临床试验前费用的 80%;“中珠 1018”专利技术在协议签订后无偿许可给潜江制药在中国境内独家使用、生产及销售,许可期限不低于 20 年;潜江制药作为投资方,对该新药的研究成果享有知识产权。


TNI BioTech, Inc. (TNIB) was formed in 2012 to acquire patents, develop treatments, market and license our immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer, HIV/AIDS and autoimmune diseases using methionine enkephalin (MENK) and low dose naltrexone (LDN). The first patents and therapies acquired were from Dr. Nicholas P. Plotnikoff and Dr. Fengping Shan.

For over twenty-five years, Dr. Plotnikoff has been credited with achieving major breakthroughs in the treatment of certain cancers and the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Dr. Plotnikoff with Dr. Bernard Bihari completed Phase 1 and early Phase 2 clinical trials in the United States using MENK, and he also collaborated with Dr. Joseph Wybran from Belgium on clinical trials for treatment by MENK for patients with HIV/AIDS. Beginning in 2007, trials continued in China with the support of China Medical University and Dr. Shan using MENK. TNI BioTech, Inc. is now partnering with Dr.. Shan on treating cancer patients with IRT-101 and IRT-102 in China, and these studies are showing very promising results.
 Patents related to these studies were filed in China in 2009 and were approved in 2011. In the last year the results of studies involving the mechanism of action of MENK, have been published in a number of international journals. These studies include the findings that MENK stimulates interactions between dendritic cells and T cells, inhibits regulatory T cells. They also show MENK had higher potency than Interleukin -2 (IL-2) or Interferon-γ (IFN-γ), two widely known immunotherapeutic cytokines.


2014-07-12 17:33


2014-07-12 16:57
