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$Amedica(AMDA)$ @都是因为丑 @蒙恬将军 @Rickyrita  @32hits  @梨花院落  @Cici鱼   各位大神分析一下 未来的局势吧。。。[能力圈][抄底][复盘][可怜][怒了][心心][看多][加仓][满仓][跪了][赚大了][加油][鼓鼓掌][俏皮]


2015-08-12 22:33

"We are extremely excited to expand our global footprint and have an additional sales channel for our innovative first generation silicon nitride devices," said Dr. Sonny Bal, Chairman and CEO of Amedica Corporation. "Because our material is the only cleared alternative to PEEK and titanium systems in Brazil, we’ve established increased market interest in our differentiated biomaterial, which offers anti-infective properties and a favorable environment for bone growth. We plan to begin recognizing incremental revenue as early as this quarter now that our first generation is cleared for immediate distribution in Brazil."

2015-08-12 22:24


2015-08-12 22:22


今天是有利好,东西在巴西卖了  不过,你想解套应该没问题了