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 $Michael Kors(KORS)$  最新一季的季度业绩分析师电话会议上公司管理层对接下来一段时间的销售前景预测(刚刚结束的季度业绩也是同比下降)。 1023的持有者自求多福吧

In North America, as we have previously said and indicated, our revenue base will decline throughout the entire period of next fiscal year and that's as we reset with our department store partners based upon our new promotional policy, which, as we said in our prepared remarks, starts actually around February 1. So that's in place now.

And many of our partners are reducing their inventory with us, and we're reducing it with them, as they have operated with a much more aggressive promotional posture. And as we said, again, our objective is to reduced promotion, increased average AUR, and position the brand in a more elevated place with our consumer. This is a very aggressive approach.

Europe is a separate conversation. Again, many of the department stores are experiencing similar things that you're seeing here in North America. There has been a slowdown in traffic in many of the cities, and we've gone through the reasons of that, whether it was Brexit or whether it was terrorist activities, which have stopped certain people internationally on tourism basis and also locally, there are many places where people are quite frankly fearful of going into shopping malls because of incidents. So we anticipate that to continue – that level of disruption to continue through, again, the balance of this fiscal year. And in addition to that, we're very concerned about upcoming elections, and what that might do in certain of the marketplaces, and we highlighted and particularly Germany and France, where we have sizable businesses.



2017-02-18 09:45

Kate Spade: In our off price channel, the environment remains heavily promotional which contributed to margin pressure. In the latter part of the quarter, we began to lap the tourist driven headwinds in our outlet channel. In addition in the quarter, we continued to leverage our omnichannel capabilities by fulfilling flash sale orders from our outlet store base. We also improved our product mix with the addition of two new core handbag groups. And we helped drive traffic and conversion by offering a limited number of specialty price pointed promotional items.

2017-02-08 09:38

顾客越来越把普包等同于奥特莱斯折扣商品,已经如吸毒上瘾。这会造成对Michael Kors, Coach等的品牌价值的损害

2017-02-08 08:51

We will have less market share. We actually think that's a healthy thing for us on a go-forward basis. And our outlook is that the handbag marketplace globally will remain approximately flat, maybe up a 1 point or 2 points, again, that‘s in dollars. And in units, we actually think that the market was up significantly. So I'll just give you one number. In North America, in handbags, where we had a single-digit decline in our own stores, we were up 11% in units. That’s actually sold units to the customer.