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$时代集团控股(01023)$  因为手袋的客户主要是 Coach, Michael Kors 等, 要预判这个股票的业绩其实关注 这几家欧美手袋商就可以了。 Michael Kors 季度业绩公布后的分析师会议上公司对手袋的销量下降有详细说明,11月14日之后连续几天的阴线也已经说明问题了。现在跌倒这个地步, 让我怎么说好呢,反正上周前几天我是提醒的(2个贴都删了)。股息这种东东都是静态的,公司的经营前景预判才是显示投资能力的地方。


2017-04-05 01:22

coach mk 都不是他的客户了

2017-02-01 17:42

$时代集团控股(01023)$  提醒的帖子我早已经发了。一般情况下,港股都是跌着跌着,最后发现股价越跌越贵。

2016-12-07 08:27

MIchael Kors: "We do not have written agreements with any of our third-party manufacturing contractors. As a result, any single manufacturing contractor could unilaterally terminate its relationship with us at any time. In Fiscal 2015, our largest manufacturing contractor, who primarily produces its products in China and who we have worked with for over ten years, accounted for the production of 29.1% of our finished products."