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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $福特汽车(F)$ 美国似乎正在放弃电动汽车。对于一个对资本主义的渴求造就了现代汽车工业的国家来说,这是一个令人失望的举动。
Ford Motor Co. is 网页链接{reducing orders from battery suppliers} as part of a plan to trim its spending on EVs by $12 billion, Bloomberg News reported Saturday. One unnamed person cited losses of $100,000 per car — a dubious, if much-repeated, figure. General Motors Co. has missed its electrification targets for two years running. A company that once aspired to produce 网页链接{one in every five cars globally} shifted less than 76,000 EVs last year, equivalent to one in 200 of the 14 million sold worldwide.
Tesla Inc. is 网页链接{cutting 10% of its workforce} and 网页链接{disbanding a Supercharger team} that the whole industry is relying on to provide refueling options on the go. Its shares have slumped 32% year-to-date. First-quarter US EV sales 网页链接{rose just 2.6% from a year earlier}, a far cry from the rates of 81% and 46% in the same periods of 2022 and 2023. Auto analysts cheer every move away from battery power.
Meanwhile, the one place on the planet that appears to be transitioning seamlessly to EVs with 网页链接{sub-$10,000 compact cars} and gleaming 网页链接{sports sedans} for less than $30,000 is being cut off from key export markets. Biden is 网页链接{planning to announce fresh tariffs} on Chinese clean tech next week, Bloomberg News reported Friday, with the Wall Street Journal saying the centerpiece will be a quadrupling of levies on EVs to 100%.
Like birds on isolated islands, America’s carmakers are evolving to suit an oddly congenial environment — one where they can grow big and bloated in the absence of competition from hungry rivals. Gradually, they’ll lose the ability to fly.
Consumers who’d like to get their hands on affordable, clean and innovative cars will be the ones to lose out. “The American people won and special interest lost,” Biden declared as he announced the IRA. Increasingly, it looks like the reverse is happening.