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雪球此次邀请到Citron老板Andrew Left,与大家交流有关中概股做空话题,欢迎关注并提问。


值得补充的是,Seeking Alpha 调查发现Citron从事做空已有10年多,质疑过110多家公司。质疑过的中国概念股票包括13家:CTDC, CVDT, XFML, JRJC, EDU, SCOK, CHBT, BORN, CVVT, CCME, MOBI, LFT, QIHU。


访谈嘉宾:Citron老板Andrew Left

访谈形式:关注Citron雪球账号(CitronResearch),访谈开始后英文提问请直接@CitronResearch ,中文提问请@klukoff ,凯会将中文问题翻译为英文




2011-12-08 22:51


2011-12-08 22:51

Hi,Andrew, As for investigation result of FMCN, we can see you have some inside evidence regarding CEO's brother's fraud problem, have got such inside paperwork? we could not image if can be got in formal way ,how is your team framework?.Another questions,besides China stocks, have you ever consider some other less developed countries, like mexico and south american stocks? Thanks for your time!

2011-12-08 22:51

@CitronResearch :are you 100% confident of your number in report is ture? being an EC company, we lost bid by price of 1million yuan per month in Q3 and only got a cool site link down the 4th sreen by price of 320 thousand...:(

2011-12-08 22:48


2011-12-08 22:48

@CitronResearch In my opinion, muddy water makes emphasis on collecting the evidence, even investigation on site, while, your report always cites something unconfirmed to make a conclusion. do you think this is the mainly difference bewteen muddy water and citron?

2011-12-08 22:48


2011-12-08 22:47


2011-12-08 22:47

@CitronResearch:I just did a search on the internet and found that Alex Xu was NOT CFO at China Finance Online, you were saying that he WAS, why is that?

2011-12-08 22:47

@klukoff @CitronResearch 个人认为 本次讨论最大的两个受益者 一个是前期被做空的XX(大家会觉得他象qihu一样被无知的机构做空了) 一个是本次活动的主办方i美股 明各大媒体 大肆报道本次讨论时 雪球 就变热点哈 不厚道的说 [哈哈]

2011-12-08 22:44

@CitronResearch did you make an on-site or call investigation on the customers of Qihu regarding game APRU or revenue of link?