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风险大概有两个: 1) 天气干旱今年继续;2)与巴西政府谈电站经营权不利。


天气无法预测。目前看到 认为 EL Nino 会给巴西中,南部带来一定雨水。
El Niño. The weather pattern, known for warming up Pacific waters and throwing the global climate into disarray, could help ease food inflation in Brazil later this year by improving rain conditions in key production areas, according to economists at Bradesco.  June 16, 2015

El Nino seen bringing drought to Brazil's north, heavy rains to south Reuters UK-May 26, 2015

The rough rule of thumb with an El Nino is that it tends to produce drier weather in Australia, Southeast Asia and India and wetter weather in central and southern Brazil and Argentina.  Posted Jun. 12th, 2015 by D'Arce McMillan

风险2,巴西政府最近为财政改革是比较缺钱,不过其新奉行 以市场,private sector 为主体的政策,应该有较平衡的过程。尤其在过去半年干旱可能断电的危险下,整个发电行业都大压力,政府不会在这时继续拧紧螺丝,应该解压松绑。 而$CEMIG(CIG)$ 作为领导者可以借机。


$CEMIG(CIG)$ 有城堡一样的资产负债表,美元负债《1%,总负债是ebita的1.75倍, ebita margin 近40%。Such strength is unheard of . 优质资产,把握节奏,越跌[赚大了]越[加仓]。