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$Workday(WDAY)$ wday is valued 160% or 210% more expensive than CRM, while its business is a lot more vunerable and is only 1/8 of CRM's size yet market cap is almost 1/2.

wday has only one line of business (HR systems), vs CRM is a platform play and offers many types of enterprise solutions; wday has a -32% operating loss, vs CRM's -5%; wday has a qtrly 20m operating cash flow vs vs. CRM's 400m.

wday: mv: 14.5b; ($79),
CRM: 32.8B; ($54)

1/2015 sales
wday:  0.75b; P/S: 19.3 times P/S.
crm:  5.3b ; P/S: 6.2 times P/S.

1/2016 sales.
wday:1.1b, PS: 13.3 times
crm: 6.6b, PS: 5 times.


2014-06-07 11:11