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$Millennial Media(MM)$  跟appnexus 合作的 MMX 会是2014年MM 业绩的关键。 看到MMX的第一反应是 appnexus 会不会是一个巨大的竞争者。 目前看来,appnexus 要想在mobile ad exchange 上赶超, 需要 mm 的移动广告的商业资源。  appnexus 是个技术公司, 其ceo认为员工不需要懂 广告。  以下是有关的信息。

We announced a couple of weeks ago a partnership with Millenial Media, which is the largest mobile ad network and the thesis behind that is that networks are incredibly important.

We spent the last year on an all-in effort to be a leader in the mobile space, and so what I hope is in two years you hear a lot about how AppNexus is changing the fundamental economics of mobile content and mobile advertising. (其ceo认为mobile会超过desktop ad)

– Millennial’s MMX exchange is built on top of AppNexus’ platform, through which 6 billion impressions flow daily. But the real appeal to programmatic – namely RTB-driven tech – is targeting, and the adoption of device IDs and probabilistic identifiers has opened up a variety of targeting options.


2014-01-08 03:57

确实,MM能否反击就靠MMX 和 Jumptap 了。