海湾资源预计 2011年收入利润增幅将超20%

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海湾资源(GFRE,5.52,-0.36%) 周一称,公司2011年利润和收入较去年将增长至少20%,预计全年净利润在6400万美元至6600万美元之间,也就是说利润率较去年将上升24.8%至28.7%。预计营业收入较去年将提高23.2%至25.1%,达1.95亿美元至1.98亿美元左右。另外,营收指导中并没有包括任何潜在的收购。

海湾资源首席执行官Xiaobin Liu称,公司预计今年中国市场对于本公司产品将继续保持强大的需求,溴的价格将稳定在一个高位,并可能在今年达到历史最高水平。他说公司“为增强竞争力和巩固市场领先地位,将继续寻求并购有关溴的资产和储备。”

海湾能源旗下拥有两个子公司,Shouguang City Haoyuan Chemical Company Ltd. 和Shouguang Yuxin Chemical Industry Co. Ltd。公司生产工农业用溴以及用途广泛的化学产品,如勘测石油和天然气田。

Gulf Resources sees profit, revenue gains in 2011

Gulf Resources sees profit, revenue gaining more than 20 percent this year

Gulf Resources Inc., a manufacturer of bromine, crude salt and specialty chemical products in China, said on Monday it expects its 2011 profit and revenue to grow by more than 20 percent compared with last year.

Gulf Resources said it expects full-year net income of $64 million to $66 million, a range that represents profit growth of 24.8 percent to 28.7 percent compared with last year.

The company projects revenue of $195 million to $198 million, up 23.2 percent to 25.1 percent from last year.

The guidance does not take into account any potential acquisitions.

Gulf Resources CEO Xiaobin Liu said his company expects continued strong demand for its products in China this year. The price of bromine is expected to stabilize at a high level, and could reach a historic high this year, Liu said.

He said his company "will continue to look for acquisition targets of bromine assets and reserves in order to increase our competitive advantage and solidify our market leadership."

Gulf Resources operates through two subsidiaries, Shouguang City Haoyuan Chemical Company Ltd. and Shouguang Yuxin Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. The company produces bromine used in industry and agriculture along with chemical products that have a variety of applications, including oil and gas field exploration.

U.S.-traded shares of Gulf Resources fell 2 cents to close at $5.52.