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股市上周收涨,目前已连涨三周。 $标普500指数(.INX)$ 、 $纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC)$ 和 $罗素2000指数(RUT)$ 全部创下历史新高。





Kevin Matras
Zacks Investment Research 执行副总裁


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Markets Breaking Out and Breaking Records

The markets closed higher last week, making it three weeks in a row of gains. The S&P, the Nasdaq, and the Russell 2000 Small-Cap Index made new all-time highs in the process.

The Dow also achieved an impressive milestone putting together an 8 quarter winning streak. The last time they did this was 20 years ago. The S&P is also on an 8 quarter winning streak, while the Nasdaq is currently up 5 quarters in a row.

Amidst all of the broken records last week, the most exciting thing to me was the convincing breakout of the Russell 2000 Small-Cap Index. A breakout in the more risky small-cap stocks is a strong vote of confidence for the market. This shows a willingness for investors to take on more risk and is definitely considered a bullish sign of things to come.

Excitement over tax cuts, a robust GDP reading, and optimism for another profitable earnings season (markets typically go up during this time), has the market powering higher. Needless to say, my outlook for the market is bullish. And I'm expecting more green arrows again this week.

See you tomorrow,

Kevin Matras
Executive Vice President, Zacks Investment Research