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昨日道指、标普和 $纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC)$ 三大股指均创下新高,市场上出现了更多的绿色箭头,为市场的取胜之路添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。


值得一提的是, $诺斯洛普-格鲁门(NOC)$  昨天表示将作价78亿美元收购 $Orbital ATK(OA)$ 。这是对(公司)当前在这一领域的行动和利益的进一步确认,预计将利好防务板块个股。

但坦率地说,整个市场现在都处于兴奋的情绪之中。 经济发展取得的积极成果远远超出了任何不利因素。 市场向一个又一个的新高攀升,凸显和放大了这种情绪。 这表明后续还会有更多新高到来。 


Kevin Matras
Zacks Investment Research 执行副总裁


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The Market's Winning Ways

The markets chalked up more green arrows yesterday and added to their winning ways, as the Dow, the S&P, and the Nasdaq all made new all-time highs.

The gains were widespread across virtually every sector. Basic Materials, Industrials, and Financials were especially strong. I suspect we'll see more strength in the Defense Sector too as reports came out after the close yesterday that the Senate passed a $700 billion defense bill. This is in line with the Trump administration's push for increased military spending.

It's also noteworthy to mention that Northrop Grumman yesterday said it would buy Orbital ATK for $7.8 billion. This is just more confirmation of the level of action and interest in this space right now and that should be good for defense stocks.

But quite frankly, the whole market is exciting right now. And the number of positive developments in the economy far outweigh any negatives. The market's climb to new high after new high clearly underscores this sentiment. And it suggests more new highs to come.


Kevin Matras
Executive Vice President, Zacks Investment Research