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$俊知集团(01300)$据说Lindeman这家机构是韩国养老金的管理机构之一,实力不俗。 Lindeman公司介绍 (公司网址:网页链接)LindemanAsia is a leading VC / Private Equity Firm that focus on investment in the Greater China region with advisory services, consulting service, value-added service to our portfolio companies.
LindemanAsia specialized in forming bridges between companies in Korea and China by bringing the high-technology and industry know-how of Korea into China through joint ventures and direct investment. LindemanAsia focuses on the I.T. industry and the SMEs in which the company can leverage its expertise, technology know-how and business network in the fast growing pan-Asia market. LindemanAsia boasts superb deal sourcing capabilities through diverse government and industry networks the collectively represent very strong and resourceful networks for deal sourcing and referrals.


2014-08-21 10:07
