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川普EO《关于应对WeChat带来的威胁的行政命令 -- 基础设施和技术》一文不全面解读。由于众所周知的原因,前面的“理由”段落就不贴了,咱们直接看要求。和以前一样,EO为了覆盖各种情况又留出各种空子,另外川普团队的水平也不是太高,经常即兴发挥,就导致EO条款非常绕来绕去而且严谨性不足,后续要看商务部的官方解读才靠谱。


(a)The following actions shall be prohibited beginning 45 days after the date of this order, to the extent permitted under applicable law: any transaction that is related to WeChat by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, with Tencent Holdings Ltd. (a.k.a. Téngxùn Kònggǔ Yǒuxiàn Gōngsī), Shenzhen, China, or any subsidiary of that entity, as identified by the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) under section 1(c) of this order.

(b) The prohibition in subsection (a) of this section applies except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted before the date of this order.

(c) 45 days after the date of this order, the Secretary shall identify the transactions subject to subsection (a) of this section.

【涉及对象】中国深圳腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)或该实体的任何子公司


45天内要美国商务部部长确定到底WeChat还能和美国这边的人和实体做什么交易。这是关键点 -- 当然实质上也需要看例外 - 之前签订的合同和许可怎么定义?比如说苹果商店的WeChat需不需要下架?下架之后之前的WeChat还能不能用?目前猜测是要下架,但下架之后还能继续使用,因为这个属于已经签订的协议。

另外目前读下来腾讯的游戏之类的业务不会受到影响,因为主体只是微信。但也有人解读说这让腾讯所有业务都不能做 -- 这可能性很低,当然还是一样,由于写的太乱,需要商务部解读。


For those persons who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to section 1 of this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13873, there need be no prior notice of an identification made pursuant to section 1(c) of this order.

对于那些可能在美国有宪法规定的存在的人,我发现,由于能够即时转移资金或其他资产,如果事先通知这些人将根据本命令第1节采取的措施,将使这些措施失去效力。 因此,我决定,为了使这些措施有效地应对第 13873 号行政命令中宣布的国家紧急状态,不必事先通知根据本命令第 1(c)节进行的识别。


1. WeChat的账号体系认定原来就比较混乱,如何认定使用者是在美国管辖范围内?此前腾讯曾有多种认定方法,包括手机号、注册时的位置、注册开始时一段时间内的常用地点、注册支付时的因素等。一个WeChat服务里面甚至各功能都能有不同的认定方法。
2. 影不影响中国Weixin?这里面没有认定WeChat和Weixin的区别。
3. 如果腾讯跪的话,主动下架还是被动下架?主动停止在美华人的信息发送还是停止支付功能?


towall2020-08-07 13:55

更新一下:洛杉矶时报和白宫官员确认了EO和我们解读的一样,并不包含游戏业务,只涉及WeChat。A White House official on Thursday night clarified that the executive order concerning WeChat only blocks transactions related to WeChat, not those involving other Tencent