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Politan Capital Management 正在 Masimo 发起第二次代理权争夺战,旨在为患者监护公司赢得两个额外的董事会席位。


Masimo在周一的一份新闻稿中表示,Politan计划控制董事会并罢免董事长兼首席执行官乔·基亚尼 (Joe Kiani) 的努力违背了投资者和使用其产品的患者的最佳利益。

Masimo is fighting with Politan Capital Management again after the activist investor won a heated battle for two seats last year.

Politan Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer Quentin Koffey said his firm is nominating two more candidates for election to the board at this year’s annual meeting in a bid to take control of the board, including the board seat of founder, CEO and Chair Joe Kiani.

#Activist Investor#