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$巴西石油公司(PBR.A)$ 相当于0.4 USD per ADR

Rio de Janeiro, May 13, 2024 - Petróleo Brasileiro S.A – Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors, at a meeting held today, approved the payment of interim dividends and interest on own capital in the amount of R$ 13.45 billion, equivalent to R$ 1.04161205 per outstanding common and preferred share, in anticipation of the remuneration to shareholders for the year 2024, declared based on the balance sheet of March 31, 2024.

The proposed distribution is in line with the current Shareholder Remuneration Policy, which states that, in the event of gross debt equal to or lower than the maximum level of gross debt defined in the current strategic plan (currently US$65 billion), Petrobras may distribute 45% of free cash flow to its shareholders. This approval is compatible with the company's financial sustainability. The proposed dividends already take into account the amount of shares repurchased in the first quarter of 2024 (R$1.1 billion), which has been deducted from the total remuneration to shareholders calculated in accordance with the Policy's formula.