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#BuiltInBritain - 哇!上周,我们宣布投资 1 亿英镑在英国奇彭纳姆建造一座最先进的工厂、数字工程和研发设施!🥳
我们感谢奇彭纳姆的所有同事,感谢他们的日常努力和奉献精神,为我们改变铁路旅行和运输的未来做出了贡献。特别感谢 Jeremy Hunt 、Karl Blaim 、Rob Morris 、Julie Owen 、Andrew Haines 和 Sambit Banerjee
#BuiltInBritain - Wow! Last week we announced a £100 million investment into a state-of-the-art factory, digital engineering and R&D facility in Chippenham, UK! 🥳
The investment in the new Chippenham facility signifies not just a commitment to cutting-edge manufacturing but also a celebration of the site’s historical significance – as a hub of innovation for over a century. 👏
Our appreciation goes out to all our colleagues in Chippenham for their daily efforts and dedication that contribute to our journey in transforming the future of rail travel and transport. Special thanks to Jeremy Hunt, Karl Blaim, Rob Morris, Julie Owen, Andrew Haines & Sambit Banerjee. 🙌