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Duplex Stainless Steel is in high demand in the energy sector, where the durability and the resilience of materials are paramount. Duplex’s unparalleled strength and corrosion resistance have made it a material of choice for the energy sector, offering reliability and efficiency in the challenging environments of energy projects. Duplex Stainless Steel is being adopted over traditional materials because of the number of benefits it offers in such high-integrity conditions.
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Duplex 不锈钢在能源领域的需求量很大,在这些领域,材料的耐用性和弹性至关重要。Duplex 无与伦比的强度和耐腐蚀性使其成为能源行业的首选材料,在能源项目的挑战性环境中提供可靠性和效率。Duplex 不锈钢正在被传统材料所采用,因为它在这种高完整性条件下提供了许多好处。Duplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex StainlesDuplex Stainles