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$标普500指数(.INX)$ $道琼斯指数(.DJI)$ $恐慌指数(30天)(VIX)$



Second straight day where there is a massive gap higher in the stock market, and I'm not putting any new long setups out there. "WHY?" You ask....For one, these gaps are making create an incredible amount of risk for traders to play off of. Finding ideal stop-loss placements becomes nearly impossible because the risk on the trade requires stops anywhere from 10-20%, which in return requires 20-40% expected gains. In this market of uncertainty, I don't expect those kind of returns. Also, these kinds of bear market rallies are normal to experience, even when you haven't hit a bottom in the market. While the market is hung up on the idea that the Corona numbers and death toll are decreasing on the daily, it doesn't do anything to change the fact that we have yet to restart the economy or even understand the full impact beyond just the two jobless claims numbers that have been released. Also, there has yet to be a GDP number released showing the early effects it has had on the US economy. And then starting next week, the earnings reports kicks off with the banks. These are massive unknowns, and to chase after 4 and 5 percent gaps up, hoping that the market can sustain the momentum at this point would be bad trading on my part.

Here's the thing, the market isn't going back to all-time highs anytime soon. I'm bidding my time and remaining patient for the time that comes to get long again on this market. There's going to be tons of opportunities in the future to do that, but these massive overnight gaps are the least desirable ones to chase after with my capital, even if 3/23 did mark a bottom in the market (which I don't think it did). Like Jesse Livermore said, (paraphrasing here) - give up on trying to catch the perfect bottom 1/8 or top 1/8 in the world - they are by far the most expensive 1/8's in the world. For now - remain patient, I've kept my portfolio in a good position for such a moment as this, and I'm not going to blow it chasing after the hope that the market is going straight back to all-time highs from here.


2020-04-07 21:37

cannot agree more

2020-04-07 22:18
