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$标普500指数(.INX)$ $道琼斯指数(.DJI)$ $恐慌指数(30天)(VIX)$

持平关闭了SDS仓位,SPX 盘前

Yesterday was riddled by reversals and choppiness, as it changed course multiple times throughout the day. While it feels good for the bulls to rally the market 56 points, the breadth is anything but there. For every 17 advancing stocks, there were 13 declining, and that was with a market up 2.3% yesterday. And we keep seeing that with the rallies - poor breadth. For comparison's sake, on Wednesday when the market sold off over 4% there was a 13:1 ratio in favor of decliners.

I closed my position in SH yesterday for a +2.7% profit, and I closed 1/3 of PSQ for a +3.1% profit. Not bad work. I will look to add some short exposure to the market should things deteriorate today, but also open to the fact that this market may have another face ripping rally up its sleeve.