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回复@一颗波动的心: 结冷胶一般会用在面包以及奶制品中,果酱以及糖果之中也会添加一些结冷胶,能够起到调化保水的作用,使食物的口感更好,适当的吃一些,一般不会对人体造成伤害。如果长时间吃,而且过量饮用,有可能会对身体的伤害造成影响,从而出现恶心头晕的症状,也有一些患者会出现浑身乏力等症状。
在日常生活中尽量吃一些新鲜的蔬菜和水果,比如苹果或者黄瓜等等,有助于补充体内所需的维生素,对身体的健康也有好处。//@一颗波动的心:回复@闭眼听风蓝天上:查了很多科学文章,过量的结冷胶对身体没有伤害,反而还能改善便秘,挺有意思的。May Help Improve Digestion, Constipation or DiarrheaOne small study, conducted by researchers of the Chemistry Department at the University of Edinburgh, that tested the effects of ingestion of gellan gum at a high level for 23 days showed that it acted as a faecal bulking agent that had effects on dietary transit time. “High levels” of gellan gum in the volunteers’ diets consisted of 175–200 milligrams of gellan gum per kilogram of body weight.
As a bulking agent, it was found that consuming gellan gum caused increased transit time in about half of the volunteers but decreased transmit time in the other half. Faecal bile acid concentrations also increased, but gellan gum had no significant effects on factors like blood glucose, insulin concentrations, or HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Overall, the study found that consuming gellan gum, even in high amounts above what would be typical in someone’s diet, caused no adverse dietary or physiological effects, but it may have positive effects on symptoms like constipation or diarrhea due to how it bulks stool. (3)
Findings from another animal study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitamintology also suggest the same. Gellan gum typically shortens gastrointestinal transit time, suggesting improved evacuation/elimination in those who prone to digestive problems like constipation. (4)
2024-06-13 06:44
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