$GoPro(GPRO)$ 写在财报前

发布于: 雪球转发:2回复:4喜欢:0
“GoPro benefits from having a bold long-term vision, that we've built on strong fundamentals and proven management. By enabling people to self capture and share their lives in a new way, we've created a totally new market, one of the fastest growing and most exciting consumer brands in the world, and a very profitable business.”
Gopro称自己为median company,有别于其他相机厂商,gopro更注重内容分享,再通过内容分享吸引更多用户,从而增加gopro销量,最终做到一种良性循环的生态圈。就像disney,disney制作动画和电影,一旦动画电影的卖座,就会吸引更多的人去购买他们的衍生品和主题公园,从而做到一种良性循环的互相推动的作用。这就是为什么gopro很聪明的把自己定义为一家media company,从而把自己跟其他相机厂商区别开来,这也是他的成功之处,别的公司基本无法复制他的成功。

1. google search
“The red circle shows the amount of searches for GoPro in the Oct to Dec 2013 quarter, while the green shows the searches in the Oct to Dec 2014 quarter.“


2. Youtube-739Million(Total), Instagram-4.1M
”On our YouTube GoPro channel alone, Q3 views totaled 72 million, an increase of 99% year-over-year, while total minutes viewed was up more than133% year-over-year.“
”We now have roughly 8 million followers on Facebook , and we increased our Instagram audience by over 750,000 people in the third quarter, bringing our total Instagram followers to over 3 million“
无法得知gopro在第四季度各社交媒体上的增长,但是gopro在社交网络上的表现已经很优秀,youtube有7,390,000,000 views, instagram有4,100,000 followers,这都说明他在年轻人所中意的社交领域有着极高的影响力。

3.Gopro hero 4, from $139-499$, gross margin 42%-44%
新上市的gopro hero 4,入门级的gopro4比gopro3便宜了$100,最高端的比gopro3 贵了$100. 好处是入门级别的会吸引更多人买gopro,增加了受众人群也增加了媒体内容。高级别的gopro4无疑是利润最高的,他比gopro3整整贵了30%!根据ceo自己说,gopro 4 最高端的black 和 silver 是市场上卖的最好的,我们有理由期待他的gross margin 继续维持在一个相对高的位置
"We anticipate favorable product mix given the orders already placed by our customers and the initial sell-through data we have received to date for our new products. While it is still early in our launch cycle, we currently expect a product mix that is strong for both our HERO4 Black and Silver products. We anticipate that gross margin will remain strong at 44%, plus or minus 50 basis points. And at the midpoint representing a significant increase from the 42% gross margin we recorded in the prior-year comparable quarter."



2015-02-06 23:20

$GoPro(GPRO)$ 亮瞎眼的财报还是值得肯定的,公司对15年第一季度的低预期是一种保守的做法是对投资人的负责人的态度,gopro完全可以预定一个高标准预期如果他们愿意这么做。所以我一直觉得gopro是一家值得尊敬的公司。

2015-02-06 22:20

$GoPro(GPRO)$ 财报已经证明了他在社交媒体上的成功!现在空头和多头较量是最好的抄底机会!all in!