巴菲特致股东的信 2018 - 13 年度股东大会

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The Annual Meeting


Berkshire’s 2019 annual meeting will take place on Saturday, May 4th. If you are thinking about attending – and Charlie and I hope you come – check out the details on pages A-2 – A-3. They describe the same schedule we’ve followed for some years.

伯克希尔2019年年度股东大会将于5月4日,星期六举行。如果你考虑参加 - 查理和我期待你的到来 - 请在年报的第A-2 – A-3页查看详情,我们有些年头都是按照相同的安排举行的年会。

If you can’t join us in Omaha, attend via Yahoo’s webcast. Andy Serwer and his Yahoo associates do an outstanding job, both in covering the entire meeting and interviewing many Berkshire managers, celebrities, financial experts and shareholders from the U.S. and abroad. The world’s knowledge of what goes on in Omaha the first Saturday of every May has grown dramatically since Yahoo came on board. Its coverage begins at 8:45 a.m. CDT and provides Mandarin translation.


For 54 years, Charlie and I have loved our jobs. Daily, we do what we find interesting, working with people we like and trust. And now our new management structure has made our lives even more enjoyable.


With the whole ensemble – that is, with Ajit and Greg running operations, a great collection of businesses, a Niagara of cash-generation, a cadre of talented managers and a rock-solid culture – your company is in good shape for whatever the future brings.

和全体同仁 - 包括负责运营的阿吉特和格雷格、优秀的公司组合、像尼日加拉瀑布一样的现金流、一群聪明能干的经理人、以及坚如磐石的企业文化 - 你们的公司状态良好,无论未来发生什么。

February 23, 2019                                      Warren E. Buffett

                                                                   Chairman of the Board

2019年2月23日                                          沃伦.巴菲特
