《巴菲特成长历程》分享28 - 实业投资

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最近看了一个关于巴菲特老爷爷的纪录片《Becoming Warren Buffett》,HBO电视台17年出品。片长88分钟,无论从内容、拍摄、对我的启发,都是一部精品。我已经刷到第3遍,而这也不是最后一遍,同时也希望将里面有趣的故事分享出来。

Munger: I'll tell you how you do it. Have you ever seen a juggler juggle 25 milk bottles? How did he ever get to do that? The answer is he started with one bottle, then two, then three and just kept doing it, and pretty soon he was at 25, and that's the way we did it. So, basically, we started out with cash and ended up buying a bunch of businesses, including insurance companies.


Loomis: Insurance is, in itself, a profitable business, but it has the additional advantage of creating something that's called "float." Float is the money that hangs around Berkshire while a claim is waiting to be paid. And Warren turned out to have an extraordinary ability to use the money thrown off by the float to buy companies that fed the growth of Berkshire. 


Loomis: Warren was quite an expert about newspapers. He got interested in the "Post," because he recognized it as a greatly undervalued company. 


Kay Graham: He had to write me a letter. "Dear Ms. Graham, I've just bought 5% of your company, "and I mean you no harm, "and I think it's a great company. "I know it's Graham owned and Graham run, and that's fine with me." And I thought, "Whoa, this guy's really terrific." He used to come to board meetings with about 20 annual reports and he would take me through these annual reports. It was like going to business school with Warren Buffett. Kay Graham did introduce Warren to the world of Washington, entirely different group than he had ever dealt with before.




Peter: It was clear that working with Kay gave him a different kind of confidence, and he was the star.

