
4.82 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


Gordon_Gekko2014-09-16 22:58

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 可怜啊。可怜被骗的人查看全文

热气腾腾的大碗面2014-09-16 22:57

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 买这股的小伙伴,估计想死的心都有了,也跌的太狠了点吧。从自选股删了吧还是,也不想动它念头了。查看全文

数字化生存2014-09-16 22:42

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 跌成这样最绝望的不是大股东,因为本来他们也减持不了太多,而且薪水已经能保障生活。最可怜的是那些为着梦想,为着上市兑现财富而拿着期权的,且因为期权而拿低薪水的核心骨干。查看全文

secwind2014-09-16 21:49

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 早说过了……查看全文

secwind2014-09-16 21:45

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 量能还未耗尽……本周估计会继续盘整,如破7块自求多福……PS:趋势未反转最好不要补仓。查看全文

IversonJv2014-09-16 01:42

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 自从试着低位买了点GOMO,整整两周一直阴跌,在此期间还把车刮了,各损失千刀,赶得上三月到四月的惨状了!查看全文

kina2014-09-15 09:38

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ It is the right time to buy GOMO!查看全文

美国中概念股2014-09-13 05:01

@小西小西 说:久邦数码走势怎么看谢谢查看全文

Voki2014-09-12 22:23

回复@onedot: 关键是猎豹已经收购了国内一款launcher,并且已经在海外推广,基于猎豹用户规模已经远超gomo,推广起来对不是问题,gomo的价值已经不是很高了。//@onedot:回复@Voki:q3预期完全就是迎合市场看法,总不能硬着头皮做好预期。不过我个人看中其可能被收购的预期查看全文

onedot2014-09-12 09:31


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$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-09 AccNo: 0001193125-15-398213 Size: 114 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-02 AccNo: 0000950142-15-002536 Size: 290 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2015-11-27 AccNo: 0001193125-15-389171 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380612 Size: 157 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380533 Size: 25 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380526 Size: 23 KB 网页链接

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