
4.82 0.00 0.0%

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onedot2016-03-16 20:40

大家都在说借壳借壳,妈蛋我就想知道害死我的$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 回来会借谁?

Justcooool2016-03-14 23:34

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ @小秘书 已退市了!雪球还没标注!??查看全文

招财资本2016-03-11 11:33


招财资本2016-03-10 23:18

$宜人贷(YRD)$赚钱记得收手,这票就是下一个$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 怎么上去怎么下来,并且再也上不去了查看全文


看电影的傻子2016-03-07 08:59

建议比较一下 永道出具 2013 年 和 2014 年报的不同。
Concurrent with the 58.com-Ganji Strategic Transaction and incremental to its existing share ownership in 58.com, Tencent has signed a definitive share purchase agreement with 58.com to purchase a...查看全文

我是_一级棒2016-03-03 08:48

$宜人贷(YRD)$ 这个中国的“屁2屁”上周涨了28%,每天成交量都过15万股一天,这周头三天在5.8-6之间盘整,每天成交量才几万股。下周三鸡煲。我个人觉得这货就是下一个$久邦数码(GOMO)$ ,要炒上去的终究还是会下来。查看全文

招财资本2016-02-23 06:52


招财资本2016-02-22 03:14

回复@Paul_Gettey: 这票必须拉一把,跟$久邦数码(GOMO)$Y一样,然后再满地鸡毛,然后私有化。走着瞧[大笑]//@Paul_Gettey:回复@Alwaleed:这种狗庄先杀后拉,可以建仓了查看全文

钱龙软件2016-01-27 14:35


SolarTang2016-01-24 21:03

回复@练手梁: 是的,但是除了排名,也得看公司本身业务范围(比如主要收入在哪里),还有管理层的决心。比如像久邦数码,虽然在榜上,高管不稳定,领先优势慢慢也消失,要是上市时买进一直持有到私有化,后果不堪设想。//@练手梁:回复@SolarTang:股价跟不上查看全文

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$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-09 AccNo: 0001193125-15-398213 Size: 114 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-02 AccNo: 0000950142-15-002536 Size: 290 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2015-11-27 AccNo: 0001193125-15-389171 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380612 Size: 157 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380533 Size: 25 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380526 Size: 23 KB 网页链接

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