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回复@齐之以和: 你说的ABCD(折旧费等等)是distribution center的意思吗?一、假如你原文指的的是生产设备,根据你引用的,证明了COGS确实不含;二、假如你原文确实指的是distribution center,我想问一下,几个物流中心的折旧相比COGS占比是多少,可能是“毛支出”的一半吗?distribution center 的水电费垃圾费难道不是可以忽略吗?//@齐之以和:回复@大雨落在雅砻江上:别逗我了,你但凡看过一眼lulu的财报,也说不出来lulu的COGS不含ABCD这句话。别想当然了,真要去看财报就看仔细点。下面是LULU财报的原文
Cost of goods sold includes: • the cost of purchased merchandise, which includes acquisition and production costs including raw material and labor, as applicable; • the cost incurred to deliver inventory to the Company's distribution centers including freight, non-refundable taxes, duty, and other landing costs; • the cost of the Company's distribution centers, such as labor, rent, utilities, and depreciation; • the cost of the Company's production, design, research and development, distribution, and merchandising departments including salaries, stock-based compensation and benefits, and other expenses; • occupancy costs such as minimum rent, contingent rent where applicable, property taxes, utilities, and depreciation expense for the Company's company-operated store locations; • hemming costs; • shrink and inventory provision expense; and • the cost of digital content subscription services, including the costs of content creation, studio overhead, and related production departments
2024-01-29 13:03

