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forcode2015-05-11 23:11

IBM today is one of the most profitable businesses in existence
due to the strength of its franchise, great & improving economics, and attractive long-term strategic position. Here how IBM fundamentals looks from a very long-term (15 years) perspective:
IBM's r...查看全文

forcode2015-05-11 22:58

IBM将季度股息调高18%|IBM|股息_新浪财经_新浪网:新浪科技讯 北京时间4月29日凌晨消息,IBM(171.63, -1.05, -0.61%)">IBM(IBM[微博])周二宣布将其季度现金股息调高18%,至每股1.30美元,相比之下此前为每股1.10美元。

forcode2015-05-11 21:35

Why did Warren Buffett invest in IBM when he claims to steer clear of technology companies as they are out of his circle of competence? - Quora:IBM has a long track record of respecting their shareholders. This is pretty important. Many companies are run, mostly, for the ben...查看全文

forcode2015-05-11 17:22

What were reasons Warren Buffett had for investing into IBM given the rarity of a tech company in his portfolio?
Great question. IBM has evolved into less and less of stereotypical tech company. The key to understanding why a Buffett investment is made is to look at the t...查看全文

forcode2015-05-08 08:59

Why does Warren Buffett love IBM instead of Google, MSFT and Apple? - Quora:Google, MSFT, Apple, ... are selling their tech products to end consumers. However, tech end consumers have a common characteristic. Their loyalty toward the product is not strong. The barrier of swi...查看全文

forcode2015-05-08 08:50

What is the likely return Warren Buffett will get from his IBM purchase in the next five to ten years? - Quora:He will likely not make a great return according to annualized figures. He will however increase his ownership of the company as IBM buys back stock at reasonable p...查看全文

forcode2015-05-07 22:48

IBM 公司的核心竞争力是什么? - 知乎:绑架客户的能力网页链接查看全文

forcode2015-05-06 07:47

回复@keepissimple: 在160美元买了50股观察仓//@keepissimple:回复@forcode:forcode兄已经在买进IBM了?查看全文

forcode2015-05-06 07:35


forcode2015-05-03 11:23

巴菲特:我在第一季度又增持了IBM_财经_腾讯网:腾讯证券讯 价值投资的“骨灰级粉丝”盛会——伯克希尔50周年股东大会正式拉开帷幕。腾讯证券在现场为您直播。

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