Panera Bread(PNRA)

314.93 0.00 0.0%

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Panera Bread的最新讨论

末里02-17 10:41

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$卖给私募后,质量变得垃圾,order也出错。私募就知道榨取品牌价值,根本不管持续经营能力。
目测 Panera 很快就会不行了。
- antivoid查看全文

大兔兔112020-05-04 13:41

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ $瑞幸咖啡(LK)$ 在今年2月底,Panera Bread推出了极具创意的每月8.99美元咖啡订阅服务。Panera会员花费8.99美元订购这项服务后,可以在一个月时间内免费喝咖啡。用户每两小时可以免费喝一杯热咖啡、热茶或者冰咖啡,而且可以免费续杯。
在前面三个月,Panera Bread对这项...查看全文

胡志伟Jack2020-04-05 19:55

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ 好家伙,好公司就是快手,被识货的大财主买走了,私有化了。一个美国的面包公司。查看全文

TearsForFears2017-04-06 00:25

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ 这可能是除 Chipotle 之外最牛的餐饮股票了, 卖burg的只能靠边站查看全文

神圣的升值毁灭者2017-04-05 22:52

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ JAB has agreed to acquire Panera Bread (NASDAQ:PNRA) for $315/share in cash, valuing the deal at approximately $7.5B, including the assumption of approximately $340M of net debt.查看全文

Great-ele2017-04-05 19:53

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ JAB收购了。查看全文

假装很懂2017-04-05 18:55

$来德爱(RAD)$$Panera Bread(PNRA)$卖面包的都行 卖药的差哪了?查看全文

复盘Panera Bread:美国最大面包连锁店的成长史

点拾投资2017-03-02 19:33

导读:随着元祖食品在A股上市,周黑鸭在港股上市,以及大量的风投进入奶茶店,面包烘焙店,中式快餐店等。连锁餐饮会在未来成为资本市场新的资产类别和关注点。我们对于海外连锁餐饮的研究也将越来越有价值。之前我们研究了大量的服装企业,包括Lululemon,Under Armour。今天我们将研究方向拓展到...查看全文

Great-ele2017-02-08 22:35

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ 历史新高。查看全文

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Panera Bread的新闻


原标题:文化的进击:从西式咖啡到中式茶饮全图谱分析 国际咖啡赛道:长坡厚雪孕育巨擘,细分龙头差异竞争 全球咖啡赛道空间广阔,2019年收入规模超4000亿美金。不仅孕育了星巴克这样市值超过千亿美金的行业巨擘,同时还... 网页链接


(原标题:中式茶饮市场潜力大,重点关注高端龙头喜茶、奈雪等成长潜力) 国际咖啡赛道:长坡厚雪孕育巨擘,细分龙头差异竞争 全球咖啡赛道空间广阔,2019年收入规模超4000亿美金。不仅孕育了星巴克这样市值超过千亿美金的行业巨擘,同时还... 网页链接

Panera Bread的公告

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229944 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229944 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229943 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229943 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229942 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229942 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229941 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229941 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229940 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$Panera Bread(PNRA)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments: n Filed: 2017-07-18 AccNo: 0001193125-17-229940 Size: 34 KB 网页链接

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