Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)

52.48 0.96 1.8634%

最高:52.5 最低:50.95

Wheaton Precious Metals的热门讨论


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)02-21 19:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000163  Act: 34  Size: 402 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)03-21 00:15

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001062993-24-006864  Act: 34  Size: 107 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)04-04 04:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-085987  Act: 34  Size: 8 MB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)02-13 23:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Accession Number: 0000950142-24-000370  Size: 45 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)03-15 18:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000280  Act: 34  Size: 240 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)03-28 01:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001062993-24-007179  Act: 34  Size: 80 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)03-29 05:15

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 40-F Registration statement [Section 12] or Annual Report [Section 13(a), 15(d)] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-080810  Act: 34  Size: 33 MB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)04-09 18:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000406  Act: 34  Size: 226 KB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)04-06 04:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001104659-24-044235  Act: 34  Size: 3 MB 网页链接查看全文


Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)03-29 18:05

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000356  Act: 34  Size: 258 KB 网页链接查看全文

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Wheaton Precious Metals的最新讨论


用户15092636372021-12-31 08:47


无能者2021-10-01 23:48

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$
Benefits to partner mining companies, I think if you look at in terms of sourcing capital and the benefits that come from it, probably the two most important benefits or the second and the third one, the initial value creation and the impro...查看全文

无能者2021-10-01 23:45

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$
Strong balance sheet, obviously, we have a $2 billion revolver that has an incredibly low interest rate, somewhere close to just over 1% interest rate. But we haven't been able to use that. We've actually paid that off start of this...查看全文

无能者2021-09-29 02:12

每天匀速买进,专找跌得多的。今天是$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$查看全文

孤舟翁独钓2021-09-16 21:51

$紫金矿业(02899)$ $Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ $山东黄金(SH600547)$ 明天又将考验黄金的成色了!今晚美股黄金血雨腥风查看全文

肖恩她爹2021-08-14 06:31

$弗兰科-内华达(FNV)$ 过去的资产质量、业绩增长都比$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 强,未来5年的产量指引则WPM比FNV好,估值要向后者看齐,估计得慢慢来。查看全文

金融研习生George2021-08-14 01:12

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 第二季度黄金等价物出货量比去年同期提高32%,白银出货量比去年同期跳涨84%,每股收益和每股自由现金流均达到历史新高。。。股价依然远低于去年同期水平。。。其黄金等价物的出货量比同行$弗兰科-内华达(FNV)$ 高30%,拥有比FNV更多的远景项目,市值只有FNV的三分...查看全文

大杨能源笔记2021-05-27 22:55

强势白银股开始脱离银价,有走出独立行情的意思啊。$泛美白银(PAAS)$ $Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$查看全文

大杨能源笔记2021-05-21 00:28

$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$

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Wheaton Precious Metals的新闻

Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM.US)斥资5.3亿美元收购Orion Resource Partners现有金属资源及新贵金属资

智通财经APP获悉,Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM.US)周三表示,同意以5.3亿美元的价格收购Orion Resource Partners现有的金属资源以及新的贵金属资源。 Wheaton Precious Metals将有权购买南非Platreef项目62.5%的应付金矿,直到总共交... 网页链接


24K99讯 尽管目前存在抛售压力,但一位矿业高管仍认为市场具有弹性,黄金和白银重回历史高点可能只是时间问题。 惠顿贵金属公司(Wheaton Precious Metals, NYSE: WPM)首席执行官Randy Smallwood最近在接... 网页链接

当“核触发器被掸去灰尘”时 寻求持有黄金以作为保护吧

热点栏目自选股数据中心行情中心资金流向模拟交易客户端 24K99讯 周二(3月1日),惠顿贵金属公司(Wheaton Precious Metals)首席执行长(CEO)斯莫尔伍德(Randy Smallwood)说,在全球地缘政治极度不确定... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,加拿大贵金属矿企Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM.US)同意与Adventus Mining(ADVZF.US)达成一项贵金属订单流交易,以1.755亿美元获得Adventus在厄瓜多尔Curipamba矿山的金矿及银矿资源。 根据交易条款,Wheaton将从Adven... 网页链接

Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM.US)以1.75亿美元收购厄瓜多尔Curipamba项目

格隆汇1月18日丨加拿大贵金属公司Wheaton Precious Metals同意与Adventus Mining(ADVZF.US)达成一项贵金属流交易,以1.755亿美元收购厄瓜多尔Curipamba项目。在头5年的生产中,Curipamba预计将年产平均17K盎司/年的黄金和551K盎司/年的白银。据预测,Curip... 网页链接

Wheaton Precious Metals的公告


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Accession Number: 0000950142-24-001048  Size: 45 KB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000406  Act: 34  Size: 226 KB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001104659-24-044235  Act: 34  Size: 3 MB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-085987  Act: 34  Size: 8 MB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000356  Act: 34  Size: 258 KB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 40-F Registration statement [Section 12] or Annual Report [Section 13(a), 15(d)] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-080810  Act: 34  Size: 33 MB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001062993-24-007179  Act: 34  Size: 80 KB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001062993-24-006864  Act: 34  Size: 107 KB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-068114  Act: 34  Size: 6 MB 网页链接


$Wheaton Precious Metals(WPM)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001279569-24-000280  Act: 34  Size: 240 KB 网页链接

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