《消费者报告》表示 特斯拉自动换道功能还没人类驾驶员技术好

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盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,最近,特斯拉(Tesla)更新了其自动驾驶系统Autopilot软件,让特定车辆能够自动变道,并且表示是为了让驾驶“更加无缝”。但是,据美国《消费者报告》(CR)的观察,该功能效果不太好,还可能会给驾... 网页链接


理性的光辉2019-05-24 13:09


Geck0o2019-05-24 08:13


马太五千2019-05-24 07:59

I love navigate on autopilot. It makes the driving easier. You need to oversee and override it when you don't like it's decisions. It definitely reduces strain from driving for me. Could it be better? Heck yes. Will it get better? It has been steadily improving from the first time I used it. I would say that in the earliest iteration several months ago I would have agreed with CR's position. Not so much anymore.
One important thing I'm not sure of: were CR's drivers used to driving Tesla on autopilot before trying Navigate on autopilot? Getting comfortable with using the tool and overriding where necessary makes a huge difference. If anyone got in a Tesla for the first time today and started using all the automated features it would likely be uncomfortable and feel unsafe. There is a slight learning curve.

ffffdddd2019-05-24 07:50


马太五千2019-05-24 07:46

Jake Fisher @CRcarsJake Following Following @CRcarsJake
I will be on CNBC today at 2:45pm E.S.T. to clarify findings on Tesla’s Navigate on AutoPilot now that you can shut off confirmations and warnings.

马太五千2019-05-24 07:43

The previous day’s firestorm surrounding Consumer Reports’ review of Navigate on Autopilot’s new settings all but prove that it is quite easy for misinformation to spread about Tesla. Had it not been for several Tesla owners who decided to contact the Consumer Reports auto testing director, the recent, inaccurate coverage from several media outlets would have gone uncorrected.

ffffdddd2019-05-24 07:15
