Surface Oncology(SURF)

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Surface Oncology的热门讨论


Surface Oncology(SURF)2023-02-11 06:18

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 8-K Current report, item 5.02 Accession Number: 0001193125-23-032837  Act: 34  Size: 149 KB 网页链接查看全文


Surface Oncology(SURF)2023-02-14 03:12

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Accession Number: 0000935836-23-000170  Act: 34  Size: 48 KB 网页链接查看全文


Surface Oncology(SURF)2023-01-31 22:03

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Accession Number: 0001104659-23-008286  Act: 34  Size: 88 KB 网页链接查看全文

逍遥谷-百奥生2021-09-04 03:19

Surf $Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 建半仓,6.25,建了几手观察仓$Medicenna(MDNA)$ 2.32, 潜力巨大,风险巨大的一支股票。查看全文


Surface Oncology(SURF)2023-01-13 06:06

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 8-K Current report, item 3.01 Accession Number: 0001193125-23-007282  Act: 34  Size: 153 KB 网页链接查看全文

Spica2021-09-11 05:42

回复@逍遥谷-百奥生: 说的是哈佛医学院的一位老先生,Dr. Simon Robson,400+文献,肝脏、免疫方面的山头之一,他们自己有CD39的单抗、双抗,机制是全新的。 网页链接查看全文

Spica2021-09-08 22:22

今天跟哈佛的Dr. Simon大佬聊了聊CD39,据说$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 的CD39不怎么行。。[滴汗]查看全文

牛唐2021-08-23 21:50

与被收购的TRIL一样,CD47概念股还有:$ALX Oncology(ALXO)$$Shattuck(STTK)$$Surface Oncology(SURF)$查看全文

f77882021-09-22 20:43

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 怎么没怎么动静? CRVS 涨几倍了查看全文

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Surface Oncology的最新讨论

苏泽逸2023-06-17 09:07

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ $Coherus生物科技(CHRS)$(surf 开盘33%,收盘上涨7%,chrs下跌23%)
SURF & CHRS announced that they have entered into a merger agreement providing that Coherus will acquire Surf...查看全文

SeekingBiotech2023-06-16 22:52

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ $Coherus生物科技(CHRS)$
SURF & CHRS announced that they have entered into a merger agreement providing that Coherus will acquire Surface in a stock-for-stock deal of about $65m.查看全文

产业链观察2023-06-16 19:30

#药闻简讯# $Coherus生物科技(CHRS)$ 将以5.28美元的价格发行股票,收购$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 的所有流通股,总价值等于4000万美元,加上Surface在交易结束时的净现金(预计在2000万-2500万美元之间),再加上CVR。查看全文

Surf 是否可以补仓了?

逍遥谷-百奥生2023-04-27 14:03

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 股价一年内已经跌了70%左右,2,3年内跌了近90%,补仓了。希望能是第二个emis.
$工艺酿酒联盟(HOOK)$ 希望已经触底,从反弹到反转。查看全文


逍遥谷-百奥生2022-11-20 20:08

$Cellectis(CLLS)$ ,$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ ,$工艺酿酒联盟(HOOK)$ .

SeekingBiotech2022-11-06 22:50

Surface Oncology在其发布的第三季度财报中提及将放弃靶向CD39单抗SRF617的内部临床开发。而由于管线被砍,连带着Surface将实施组织结构调整(优化/裁员),这将导致其员工数量减少约20%。

分享一只小药股HOOK - 非投资建议

逍遥谷-百奥生2022-11-05 02:28

2月16日,在去年秋天退出与 Hookipa Pharma 的 HIV 治疗合作后,Gilead $吉利德科学(GILD)$ 又与该公司开展了合作。两家公司修改了他们的许可协议,为Hookipa提供 1500 万美元的预付款和高达 2.37 亿美元的 里程金。
Hookipa 在 2021 年 11 月披露,吉利德上个月根...查看全文


逍遥谷-百奥生2022-08-21 17:52

药股最近起起伏伏,虽说知道9月市场将被抽千亿美元,还是忍不住加些surf $Surface Oncology(SURF)$ ,其仓位已到五分之一多,至此而已,非巨变不动,静观其变,若空间再现,再加!查看全文

柳叶刀没脊梁是沃夫2022-06-21 13:10

反正$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 也没解释为啥能促进炎性因子释放减少抑制性因子的释放.....[好困惑][好困惑][好困惑][好困惑]查看全文

柳叶刀没脊梁是沃夫2022-06-21 13:07

$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ pipline里的il27,通过抑制jak stat通路促进nk等免疫效应细胞活化来发挥抗肿瘤作用[好困惑]my question is 为啥作jak 抑制剂的厂家没人开发肿瘤适应症呢?查看全文

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Surface Oncology的新闻

传葛兰素史克(GSK.US)有意收购Surface Oncology(SURF.US)

智通财经APP获悉,据媒体消息,专攻免疫疗法的Surface Oncology(SURF.US)公司收到了葛兰素史克(GSK.US)的收购意向。 报道称,除葛兰素史克之外,Surface Oncology还在寻找其它任何可能的收购者。 此前,百时美施贵宝(BMY.US)在同意收... 网页链接

Surface Oncology的公告


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ 15-12G Securities registration termination [Section 12(g)] Accession Number: 0001193125-23-236303  Act: 34  Size: 12 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ EFFECT Notice of Effectiveness Accession Number: 9999999995-23-002629  Act: 33  Size: 1 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ EFFECT Notice of Effectiveness Accession Number: 9999999995-23-002628  Act: 33  Size: 1 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ POS AM Post-Effective amendments for registration statement Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231522  Act: 33  Size: 21 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231530  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231534  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231535  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231539  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231542  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接


$Surface Oncology(SURF)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-23-231544  Act: 33  Size: 23 KB 网页链接

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