
12.08 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:33

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000093  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-02 06:30

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000070  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-02 06:48

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000076  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:36

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000096  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:33

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000091  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-02 06:30

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000072  Size: 5 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:36

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000099  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:52

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000092  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-02 06:48

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000079  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

Realogy控股(RLGY)2021-03-03 05:58

$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-21-000097  Size: 6 KB 网页链接查看全文

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unite_zhao2022-08-10 21:56

谁说巴菲特不投资房地产行业:BRK全资持有全美规模第二大的二手房经纪公司homeservices of America和规模第一大的廉价预制房屋制造商clayton。问题是:这两个生意是可以的?刚需的?还是什么其他原因?贝壳的生意模式能长期赚钱嘛?为何Zi...查看全文

必贝盘前 | 三大股指期货微涨 36氪递交IPO招股书

BBAE必贝观察猫2019-10-01 19:50

BBAE 10月1日 盘前播报
道琼斯指数期货 +0.19%
纳斯达克指数期货 +0.33%,
标普指数期货 +0.26%,
SPI绿能宝(SPI) +13.26%
Contango油气(MCF) +10.43%
缓解制药(CATB) +7.41%
亚德诺(ADI) +5.91%...查看全文

坚信价值2014-07-12 22:03

主贴里提到的这些垃圾债对应的正股,从发帖时(2012年10月底)到现在,除了$Realogy(RLGY)$$阿齐煤炭(ACI)$ 之外基本都是涨两三倍了(同期$标准普尔500指数(SP500)$ 涨了40%)。$来德爱(RAD)$ 甚至6倍。
是不是当时买正股会更好呢?(@释老毛 一直对当时幼稚被大V恐吓没有买入$凯撒娱乐(CZR...查看全文

用户36197418572014-04-12 00:18

$Realogy(RLGY)$ 终于给我等到了 买入查看全文

寄生虫阿笨2013-11-29 11:58

$Realogy(RLGY)$ 应该还是依靠波动性和周期性,以及市场参与者的预期,并不适合滚雪球查看全文

寄生虫阿笨2013-01-08 11:00

回复@梁剑: $Realogy(RLGY)$是个好的标的,但是的确不好估值。净资产估值或净收益倍数估值并不适合这家公司。这种专业服务类公司真正的资产是员工、客户名单、品牌、强劲现金流、轻资产,这些东西都不是会计账面能够完全体现价值的。换句话说,即使是净负债,这生意照做。而且PE在上市前都把这些公...查看全文

百宝熊2013-01-08 10:05

$Realogy(RLGY)$ 我不太理解,RLGY的每股净资产是 -12.45,每股收益是 -2.02,凭什么10月IPO后股价一直涨到41.4呢?都说美国房地产市场在升温,交易量在上升,但是到底谁在买房?谁在租房?这种增长是刚性的么?可持续么?这些问题都没想明白,所以不敢下手。查看全文

寄生虫阿笨2012-12-04 22:52

$Realogy(RLGY)$ Appollo 现在还亏着吧?鲍尔森是债转股,真滑头啊查看全文

寄生虫阿笨2012-11-30 00:28

$Realogy(RLGY)$ 跟ziprealty比较稳阵很多查看全文

寄生虫阿笨2012-11-30 00:28

$Realogy(RLGY)$ 是个风险高公司,杠杆也高。查看全文

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$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 8-K Current report, item 7.01 Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000134  Act: 34  Size: 205 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 8-K Current report, item 7.01 Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000131  Act: 34  Size: 229 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000119  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000120  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000121  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000122  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000123  Size: 6 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000124  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000125  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Realogy控股(RLGY)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001398987-22-000126  Size: 5 KB 网页链接

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