
49.26 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


weald2015-10-13 21:25

$ETrade(ETFC)$ 家里装的浙江电信ADSL,今天突然不能访问Etrade,不知何故。查看全文

末里2015-08-11 08:22

$ETrade(ETFC)$ 07年初的时候市值是现在7倍,营收差不多,利润是现在的十倍,真疯狂。不看好这货,一个没啥特点的 broker查看全文

末里2015-07-25 00:10

$ETrade(ETFC)$ 财报后跌。看样子 $盈透证券(IBKR)$$ETrade(ETFC)$ 要一起完蛋,坐等查看全文


深思远见2015-07-12 21:14

20150710 Deutsche Bank 降低目标价, 评级:买入, 目标价:$34.00 -> $33.00
20150707 Jefferies Group LLC 提高目标价, 评级:持有, 目标价:$32.00
更多分析和资讯,请关注微-信-公-众-号 stock_tong查看全文

红色打字机2015-03-23 10:51


不明真相的群众2015-03-23 10:50

$ETrade(ETFC)$ 居然不接受非美居民新开户,[看空] 利益披露:言论发表时本人未持有相关头寸,72小时内也不打算交易。查看全文

mead992014-12-06 01:28

Exp Earnings Date1/22/15查看全文

windsup22014-12-04 14:23


癞气疤子2014-11-26 01:20

$ETrade(ETFC)$ 每次都是冲到23.2-23.30就再也上不去啦,搞不明白怎么回事查看全文


猎云网2014-10-11 08:16

猎云网10月11日报道 (编译:Jasmine) Robinhood的零佣金股票交易服务尚未正式推出,就已经吸引了50万注册人数,现在这家公司已经完成了1300万美元融资,用以招贤纳士,确保其股票交易应用100%安全,让更多的人加入测试。 亿创理财(E*Trade)以及史考特... 网页链接查看全文

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腾讯证券4月22日讯,根据亿创理财(E-Trade)的一项最新调查,在4月初,拥有至少100万美元可投资资产的富有投资者对美国股市的看涨程度低于2021年初。调查还显示,转向现金的受访者人数几乎翻了一番。 调查显示,百万富豪投资者的整体情绪... 网页链接


$亿创理财(ETFC)$ 15-12B Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019937  Act: 34  Size: 14 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Accession Number: 0001104659-20-113555  Act: 34  Size: 69 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019753  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019754  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019755  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019756  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019757  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019758  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019759  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

$亿创理财(ETFC)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0000950103-20-019760  Act: 33  Size: 45 KB 网页链接

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